Office of the Town Clerk

Town Clerkr
Katunda Mukuru Fenard
Town Clerk

I greet you in the name of the almighty God who has enabled us reach all this far, Glory and honor goes to him and I thank the people of Lugazi municipality for entrusting and empowering me as their Town Clerk.

To build a municipality   that delivers quality services to the people of Lugazi with   an accountable and admirable corporate image

Core Function of the effice of the Town clerk

The core function of the office of the Town Clerk include the following:

  • To manage, coordinate and provide strategic leadership on the development, interpretation and implementation of National Policies, programmes and Council bye-laws for the Municipality.


Kampala-Jinja Rd, Lugazi, Uganda
P.O.Box 111 Lugazi
Tel: +256(0)434 669 186 

Development partners
